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  1. G

    SQL Database is Missing.

    I have now closed this thread as it's resolved. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  2. G

    Can't connect my files over http anymore
  3. G

    Help with Pearl

    The path to perl should be listed in your cPanel
  4. G

    My Hosting Issue

    I have unsuspended you now, please check your scripts to see if there is any bugs that could use up a lot of resources (never-ending loops etc)
  5. G

    Can't access cPanel

    what do you get when visiting ?
  6. G

    Domain Help

    At the registrar, set the nameservers in the DNS options to Then, add the domain as a parked domain in your cPanel
  7. G

    Please how to install joomla or drupal

    Download Joomla from , then unzip the folder and upload using FTP. Then just go to the install directory in your browser and follow the instructions (
  8. G

    Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted.

    The servers is currently migrating. It should be fixed when it's done
  9. G

    Domain! Wont let me add Invalid ? [URGENT]

    Have you tried to add it as an parked domain in cPanel?
  10. G

    Not recieving email.

    It might be of the server migration that is ongoing. If it hasn't been fixed when it's done, please let us know
  11. G

    Given ticket to erase email from account but cannot get access

    As this is resolved for you I have closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  12. G

    Database error for my site

    Have you set the database host to localhost?
  13. G

    How long to delete account?

    your account is now removed, and you should be able to create a new account.
  14. G

    where i will found these settings

    If you need to set those settings you need to buy a VPS
  15. G

    552 Disk full -- on

    As this is resolved, I have now closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  16. G

    Today FTP upload failed by giving message 522 disk full please upload later

    As this is resolved, I have now closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  17. G

    How long to delete account?

    I can delete it now if you want. Have you taken backup of all data?
  18. G

    Error using XSLT in PHP

    it might be that the accounts are migrated to a new server, and everything hasn't been fully installed yet. If it's still the same after the migration is done, please let us know
  19. G

    Unable to connect to my shopping cart...HELP!

    Your site is working for me now, try to clear your cache and flush your DNS
  20. G

    where is php.ini

    You would have to buy a VPS if you want to change PHP settings