Search results

  1. G

    FTP mysql

    ftp username and password is same as your cPanel username. ftp host is your domain. Have you tried this? Have you tried creating a mySQL database using the mySQL database wizard in cPanel?
  2. G

    Please delete my account so that I may do it all again !

    Have you taken backup of any data you may wish to save?
  3. G

    NetGear FS608v3

    I just figured, I don't have any router :<.I'm gonna return it to the store and buy a router instead
  4. G

    NetGear FS608v3

    I just bought this one as the router our ISP sent us only has 1 port for computer usage (the rest is for TV and telephones). My computer can access the Internet to it, but not my moms... I've set it up like, the Internet router in port 1, my computer in port 2, and her computer in port 3...
  5. G

    unable to access my web page The transfer of chopin hasn't completed yet, so you'll have to wait until it's announced
  6. G

    Getting progress of download java

    line 18. Line 67 == line 18 in the paste. size is set from where I call it, but I removed it for now...
  7. G

    Getting progress of download java

    I have a SwingWorker where I download a file using FTP. It writes the data to an output stream. How can I track how much data has been downloaded so I can update a progress bar? Why would not work (IndexOutOfBounds)
  8. G

    registration doesent work

    *Escalated to ticket area* Click the yellow bar to access your ticket, and login with your forum account
  9. G

    account creation error

    *Escalated to ticket area* Click the yellow bar to access your ticket, and login with your forum account
  10. G

    singup process

    *Escalated to ticket area*
  11. G

    Can't login

    *Escalated to ticket area*
  12. G

    Account unlinked

    *Escalated to ticket area*
  13. G

    I just registered but my account does not exist.

    *Escalated to ticket area*
  14. G

    Please relink my hosting and forum

    *escalated to ticket area*
  15. G

    Error Message

    *Escalated to ticket system*
  16. G

    Starka still down

    There was, just read the news forum
  17. G

    Has stoli really been out all day?

    Server migrations isn't anything that happens in some hours. You should wait until there is an announcement that it's finished before making threads.
  18. G


    As this is now solved I have closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future.
  19. G

    Has stoli really been out all day?