meh, i'd rather pay for my online than have something free but worse. my friend has played games on the ps3 and said that the multiplayer community was just horrible, much worse than xbox. also, i've read that you have to go out to the xmb to view your friendslist. that is just absurd if that's still how they have it today. The online experience is just more streamlined and organized on the 360 than the ps3 imo, and with the new _exprience_ coming this 19th, it's gonna get better with netflix streaming and more.
For games that are on both the 360 and the xbox, the xbox wins hands down. The Orange Box for the PS3 has serious frame rate problems, Rainbow Six Vegas is buggy on PS3 whereas it's great on the xbox. On the other hand though, another friend says he prefers cod4 on the ps3, but never said why.
sure, the playstation has blu-ray, but on the other hand, if blu-ray lost the hd battle, and hd-dvd won, then the playstation would be useless for movies. also, to date, no developer has taken full advantage of the hardware on the ps3 and occasionally, they take longer to develop on the ps3 than the xbox, although as time goes on, developing times reduce... (the only exception is ff13, since they developed on the ps3 and are porting it to the xbox.
w/e, there's what i'm saying. and btw, xbox for me