Except x10Hosting. x10Hosting will never die!Facebook has always been ultra careful, but nevermind......Facebook will go the way of the dinosaur when the next innovative social media comes into play. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes everything on the internet. I've seen so many social media platforms bite the dust.
For as long as you're kept away from the inner workings.Except x10Hosting. x10Hosting will never die!
We used to provide user subdomains under the x10hosting.com domain name, similar to how we now do x10host.com/x10.mx/x10.bz. If memory serves this has been blocked with them for some timeIf you look closely, that is x10hosting.com, not one of the subdomains. How would the actual website get blocked?
It isn't safe if you don't look at the links you're visiting and with all of those pedophiles going around.I think Fb is Safe ........![]()
IMO - if Facebook is now "Safe" - then fire mixed with gasoline is now "Safe"I think Fb is Safe
Unfortunately, these days it's all about the money and curiousity *cough* stalkers *cough*. When we post stuff online to the public, we have to be aware that ANYONE can see what we post. The FBI or whoever likes to look around at things deeper than the posts posted to the public, like IP addresses and possible see what you've sent to certain individuals.FB is a TRAP
Did any of you know Mark Zuckerberg (The Guy Who Made Facebook) is a ex-cia agent & FB is a government funded program to observe & monitor people. FBI Uses Facebook to find criminals, drug dealers, pedos, abusive people. The government also owns instagram as well. The government is invading our privacy & this
I would love to get a bunch of web developers together
I'm updating my social networking site but I don't think if would be easy to maintain because of the space and the bandwidth (98GB ain't enough) and the hosting costs almost £15 when you can get much more for much cheaper (like unlimited/unmetered both and more). My card doesn't work with US merchants so boo-hoo. :/This all violates our right to privacy which the country does not care about. I wish I could establish a group of developers & create our own private haven, cell phones that are smart phones but function like basic phones without all the tracking. A site which you just login under your username not merging all accounts with FB or twitter. Just something plain. A lot of people would flock over to this network as if it were like we released the cure for cancer.