Suspension for high-usage?

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Ppl there's nothing hard in unsuspending your accounts. Just like zen-r said. Go to Provide your username and password in the login box. When you're greeted in to your account, go to the home page (of the account). On the right find a link something like Account Suspension status. Go in and find the link to unsuspend your account. Do check out guys. I'm sure you'll all have the option. For whomsoever the account is suspended.

I can confirm that the automatic unsuspension is working now, although it wasn't yesterday. Took no more than a minute or two for me to unsuspend this account.

It would be nice to have some idea of how we measure whether or not our accounts will be suspended - what are the criteria? are there any fixed limits that we can adhere to? how do we measure this? I'd also like to know whether the SQL errors/problems that I and others reported with Lotus were in any way related to this.

Btw, in what way is this an "offtopic" topic?

I unsuspended my account by going to the account panel (click the Modify Account link on the right), logging in, following the links to the "Suspension Report" (either from the home page or on the right-hand menu) then following the instructions. Worked without problems today, though yesterday it did not.
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Corey warned of a new server monitor to be implemented:
Update 6/22/09

this is a result of that new monitor. I would suggest you check your scripts and see what they are doing and how often ;)

Will this monitor be removed when the server move is complete???


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oops, sorry, didn't notice this thread until after I posted in a different place, I got the same problem, this is what I got in my account panel:

You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immediately. Warning 1 of 3
I unsuspended myself of course but there ius really no reason for that, at least I don't think so.

I run a PHP-Nuke website and an IPB forum on my account, got 2 SQL databases and around 70 users registered at all right now, also use cron to run a backup script for my SQL databases once every 24 hours.
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I managed to unsuspend myself and I was using phpMyAdmin to optimize my tables and delete some tables which were not needed when I got suspended again...

I was running my wordpress site and was keeping an eye on the resource monitor it was hovering between 0.7 to 1.20 but when I went to phpMyAdmin and deleted on table the resource monitor went upto ~5. I mean it was not my site but phpMyAdmin which is causing the high resource usage. If just deleting one table causes so uch resource usage?? And controlling the settings of phpMyAdmin is not in our we cannot do anything other than waiting..

I did run a couple of tests on my site and resource usage as I said earlier never went past 1.20. So I am pretty sure that it is not my site which is using high resource.

P.S I am using WP-SuperCache, WP-DBCache and CSS-Optimize plugins to reduce the load.

Please see into this matter...


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well ok here we go again:

i tried unsuspending myself yesterday and was pending... today i check and all efforts lost ... the request disapeared and i was not pending anymore

so now i requested again and again i am pending (still looks like the first request)

i can not believe that i am causing high resource usage in any way (i ve had this problem before (long time ago) and someone then descided that i did not deserve this hassle and switched this off for me

at the time of suspension i was working on phpbb3 smilies the site has about one user and no complicated stuff on it

it s starting to feel like we are falling from one big mess into another now, i know people are doing what they can but really i can t help being more and more disapointed and wish i knew how to run this from my homemachine

edit: PS... the last unsusp.request was dealt with fast ..suspension lifted( called not applicable? ) .... now would it be smart to do anything again or do i hold my breath again????
i m even scared to get my latest backup now.... lol
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I am on the Lotus server, free web hosting. I do not have any website pages yet. The only thing that I have done is to use Fantastico and install the phpBB forum. I do not have any users for the forum as it was just created. Sometime after I logged off last night (after 11:00pm EDT 6/24/09) I was again suspended.

This time I was able to quickly unsuspend my account.

Here are the suspensions messages

A history of all account suspensions will be listed below. If you find incorrect information here please open a support ticket so we can correct it.
type date reason for action

suspension Jun 24 You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immediately. Warning 1 of 3

unsuspension Jun 24 not applicable

suspension Jun 24 You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immediately. Warning 1 of 3

Your hosting account is currently suspended. Follow the instructions below to resolve this issue.
if this suspension is not resolved within 14 days your hosting account may be terminatedpass the information below to any support staff if you're having difficulties with your account

your suspension reason code is SPND_RUSAGE1
unsuspension instructionsgood news! your account's suspension reason allows for an automatic unsuspension.


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I am on the Lotus server, free web hosting. I do not have any website pages yet. The only thing that I have done is to use Fantastico and install the phpBB forum. I do not have any users for the forum as it was just created. Sometime after I logged off last night (after 11:00pm EDT 6/24/09) I was again suspended.

I am too on Lotus. As I have mentioned in my previous post, I got suspended while using phpMyAdmin.. I think the resource usage script needs some further tweaking, before it suspends everyone here :eek:


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im tired of checking my website if its up or not... sigh.. been days already patiently waiting for it to be done. 1st down, then suspension issue, now back to server down again..

seriously. if i could afford one i'll get a premium account ASAP. but now im just an undergraduate students. sigh..


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I am on Lotus to and got suspended yesterday.
At the end of suspension it says "warning 1 of 3" what happens after 3rd suspension.
hit unsuspend and iam online today.
my page is simple in html and java script image.
Dont think thats reason for suspension.
I believe that suspension script has to be calibrated.


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Hi all,

I am hosted on Chopin and I was suspended too for high resource usage. I run a very simple php script with no database connection. The only thing I can think of in terms of "high resource usage" is that I used Filezilla and PSPad (ftp text editor) at the same time to manage my files, possibly over multiple connections...



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Everybody spam the admins :p. I left 3 messages to corey and also have 3 tickets open. FIX IT guys.

(Also @lotus and waiting more then 2 days already)


Active Member
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Everybody spam the admins :p. I left 3 messages to corey and also have 3 tickets open. FIX IT guys.

(Also @lotus and waiting more then 2 days already)

Stupid comment, & likely to get yourself banned from the Support systems.

They are already flooded with tickets, so adding more just stops the important ones being dealt with. It also puts you to the bottom of the ticket queue again.

See ;

and ;
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Everybody spam the admins :p. I left 3 messages to corey and also have 3 tickets open. FIX IT guys.

(Also @lotus and waiting more then 2 days already)

I agree with zen-r

and considering that all the staff ask not to be PMed in their signatures, you are definitely on the road to being banned :nono:


I feel I need to add that comments like yours come from someone who obviously has no clue what is involved with servers on this scale, and has no respect whatsoever for a company offering you free hosting solutions and asking nothing in return except a visit once every 2 weeks to the forums.

Can u say "ungrateful"

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Well, I'm adding this because I just found out today that I got the dreaded suspension notice.

I haven't been doing anything with my site because I've either gotten a blank page or a 404 error when navigating to it for the last few days. (NOTE: I'm not complaining, just doing what Corey's High Resource Usage link told me to do and state what I was doing when I got suspended.) My cPanel has also been either a blank page or when I type in my username and password all I get is a login screen again so I haven't been doing anything in there, either.

One odd thing is that, if my account has been suspended, my forum and chat are still working. Just my website is gone. My forum shows up and my chat program shows up and works. Neither should be high usage since no one goes to the chat yet and the forum is a work in progress and isn't accessed that much (Less than 10 visits a month).


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Well, I'm adding this because I just found out today that I got the dreaded suspension notice.

I haven't been doing anything with my site because I've either gotten a blank page or a 404 error when navigating to it for the last few days. (NOTE: I'm not complaining, just doing what Corey's High Resource Usage link told me to do and state what I was doing when I got suspended.) My cPanel has also been either a blank page or when I type in my username and password all I get is a login screen again so I haven't been doing anything in there, either.

One odd thing is that, if my account has been suspended, my forum and chat are still working. Just my website is gone. My forum shows up and my chat program shows up and works. Neither should be high usage since no one goes to the chat yet and the forum is a work in progress and isn't accessed that much (Less than 10 visits a month).

yeah sadly these current set of problems comes from the staff using Live Servers to conduct their tweaking and fixing :happysad:

not sure if there is a way they can fine tune a server setting without disrupting members' sites :dunno: as I am unaware of what resources x10 has at their disposal for such things (ie a test server then transfer the settings over to the live ones)


it also seems to be localized on lotus for the most part I wonder if there is something else not configured properly that is interfering in a way the staff is unaware.
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yeah sadly these current set of problems comes from the staff using Live Servers to conduct their tweaking and fixing :happysad:

not sure if there is a way they can fine tune a server setting without disrupting members' sites :dunno: as I am unaware of what resources x10 has at their disposal for such things (ie a test server then transfer the settings over to the live ones)


it also seems to be localized on lotus for the most part I wonder if there is something else not configured properly that is interfering in a way the staff is unaware.

It's all good. I have patience. I did get into the cPanel just a minute ago. :naughty:

When I clicked on the Service Status link in the cPanel, I saw that server load said 4 CPUs and 3.06 (whatever that is). Tha's a report on the server and not just my resource usage, right?


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It's all good. I have patience. I did get into the cPanel just a minute ago. :naughty:

When I clicked on the Service Status link in the cPanel, I saw that server load said 4 CPUs and 3.06 (whatever that is). Tha's a report on the server and not just my resource usage, right?

correct that is showing how "stressed" the server is overall, not a reflection of what you are doing ;)


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This is starting to get boring. My account is suspended again. Not sure why the server is treating our hosting like this. Maybe the upgrade process is still not complete. Lets wait and see what happens. But really looking forward to the issue to be resolved.


I ate all of the x10Pizza
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It's all good. I have patience. I did get into the cPanel just a minute ago. :naughty:

When I clicked on the Service Status link in the cPanel, I saw that server load said 4 CPUs and 3.06 (whatever that is). Tha's a report on the server and not just my resource usage, right?

Those are server stats. For some reason, cPanel is lame for the fact that it states that a quad core CPU is in fact 4 individual processors, rather than a processor with 4 cores like Linux would normally show. A quad core CPU itself is one processor, however it has 4 cores that can each carry out a task, which does make it seem like 4 processors. Also, the load time is based upon the amount of programs running vs. the total usage of the processor. It's not like Windows or graphical Linux distros where they show CPU Usage in a percent from 0-100%. At the moment, I highly doubt any of the x10Hosting servers are running Multithreaded applications on them, so the processor is probably underutilized, but if there are enough programs running and they're each choosing a core or moving across the cores due to a poor affinity setting, then yeah we can chew up processor efficiency and power quite quickly.
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