Don't know. In the threads list, it seems to show me as the last poster before the thread was closed, but my post doesn't actually show up after Kayos' post, when I go to view it. Strange that vigge_sWe says he can see it, maybe he's on a different server to us?
Other faulty posts around the same time included on the vending machine thread, where my post didn't show until after you (ichwar) posted, remember?
I reported the problem in support, but as I suspected was a bit of a waste of time. I felt I was repeating the same info after each response, trying to make it clearer each time. It's good that I did get a response there, but they closed my query & I don't think anything was fixed.
Hopefully it was just a glitch - for the past 24hrs my posts seem fine again (bad luck, my posts are back & there's no escaping from them!
