I don't care what you believe in, if you start cramming your beliefs in my face and all that, THAT I do not like. And many more. like...some stuff in the Bible...not only Christianity though
This is pretty much how I feel. I am atheist, and I DO NOT have a problem with people being religious or believing in a higher being. What I DO have a problem with is when they start acting extremely superior and try to convert me to whatever they believe in. The religious people act like I've insulted them if they find out I'm atheist.
I don't go around trying to rid the world of Christians, or Judaism, or Hindus, or anything else, so I don't see why they try to rid the world of atheists. Maybe I'm the only one that experiences this, but I get it ALL the time.
Like I said I don't have a problem with people believing what they want, but personally I am not satisfied that answer to everything is an invisible deity controlling everything. Sure there are a few things that haven't been explained by science, but that makes them unexplained, not the work of a magical person. And many things from the bible have been pretty much proven false. Like the hardcore Christians that don't believe dinosaurs existed because they think Earth is only 4000 years old? Seriously? It's not like we have carbon dating and can prove the fossils come from millions of years ago.
The bible also says that every animal/creature was created in it's perfect state, meaning it is already perfect for its environment. But natural selection not only makes more sense, but has never been proven false! I do believe evolution occurred, and for you uneducated Christians, I'm not talking about Pokemon evolution. Obviously an animal or creature does not change into something entirely different overnight. I think over the billions of years Earth has existed, the first basic bacteria and single cell organisms went through evolution (as in natural selection, Google it if you don't know it) and over time diversified into many different animals and creatures. I think it makes a lot more sense than someone created everything in the blink of an eye.
Plus, there have been massive amounts of evidence supporting the theory of evolution. But then Christians will see "the theory of..." and cling onto that like proof (a) God exists. Yes, it is a theory, but I have not seen one lick of factual evidence supporting a God. Most stories you see out of the bible you would think exists in a fictional book like Harry Potter, the majority of it is absurd.
And if that common sense isn't enough, I think the many government issues in European/Asian/African countries would be solved. Most of the genocide that occurs is due to one religion thinking it's better than the others. And if you think about it, the fact that EVERY religion knows and completely believes that they are right. So wouldn't that mean either only one is actually right or none of them are? Personally, I think none is the correct answer.
Anywho like I said, I have no problem with people believing in a god and/or afterlife, it's just when they act like they are better than other people because they have lots of faith is when it annoys me. All the stuff I said is what I believe, but I don't go around trying to convince Christians to forget what they believe like they do to me and probably other atheists.