Search results

  1. Livewire

    "Resource Limit Hit" message every hour!

    My guess is you're hitting the resource limit just prior to the -end- of the hour, and then because it resets every hour, it undoes itself only a few minutes later. Is it possible that's when googlebot/yahooslurp/other search engine robots are choosing to index the page? If so that'd explain...
  2. Livewire

    Cant connect via ssh

    I believe that icon is present in cPanel as it's one of the icons we can't actually disable. I've also heard rumors that SSH was somehow enabled for one particular server when it wasn't supposed to be; if that actually was the case, I apologize on behalf of x10hosting, but as descalzo has...
  3. Livewire

    x10 hosting appearing on home page

    Clear the browser cache, I get a wordpress install when I view that url. Chances are you still have the cached version which would be just the basic default "Welcome to x10hosting" page.
  4. Livewire

    Can't Upload Files or View Site

    Closed by request; if you need more assistance, let us know!
  5. Livewire

    suspension of account

    Using a proxy to access x10hosting doesn't cause a proxy suspension. Installing one on your account does, which is what got you suspended. The TOS has its own section for Proxies which indicates we do not allow them to be on our servers for any reason. Given the fact that the proxy is also...
  6. Livewire

    How can i delete my account?

    I don't see any tickets related to suspensions in your post history (none deleted either), but once the hosting account is gone, we can't recover it. Forum accounts aren't currently able to be deleted.
  7. Livewire

    Account Deletion

    As indicated here: We do NOT expedite the deletion of permanently suspended accounts. You are permanently suspended, and as such we can't terminate the account in advance. Ticket closed; reopening future tickets...
  8. Livewire

    Request for removing the country limits on my site

    There is no valid website (a site that just says "test" doesn't count), and your site is less than 7 days old. The limits cannot be lifted until you have a valid TOS abiding website that is MORE than 7 days old.
  9. Livewire

    Use of Disclaimer

    That's the reply you were given before, it doesn't indicate that users would be allowed to upload files. It states "so as long as you're making the content yourself," which would mean not your users. Also: That part's from the TOS, so you shouldn't be letting users upload files anyways. I...
  10. Livewire

    x10 Hosting Forum Cannot Login with Opera or Chrome in Linux

    Very much so digging this one; this also seems to be a fixed-width forum theme which means if you have too small a screen, rather than stuff getting messed up, you get a horizontal scroll bar. Everything seems dandy awesome! :)
  11. Livewire

    Overloaded FTP

    There's been problems reported with unzip sadly, but I did forward the ftp problem to admins, not sure what they'll try to remedy the problem though.
  12. Livewire

    Request for removing the country limits on my site

    I have the command to lift the limits queued. Just so you're aware though, the link to the "phpwebgallery" on the entrance page doesn't work, but the rest does at least :)
  13. Livewire

    Petition against the High Resource Usage system

    vB's pretty good when running, but under the old HRU system it would actually trip 3 separate times during install, necessitating either patience during install (waiting for it to clear) or having a mod/admin remove the third HRU suspension that needed staff to remove. Under the current system...
  14. Livewire

    Remove the Country Restriction Please.

    He was given 24hr on IRC; his limits were lifted but he has 24hr to remove the nulled IPB from his site. Failure to do so will result in the immediate and permanent revocation of his account, so I'd highly recommend removing it.
  15. Livewire

    Installing "CLIPBUCKET" against TOS?

    It'd break the File Hosting section of the terms if you ever got it to work. The -real- problem is it requires some php extensions (ffmpeg for one) that aren't available on free hosting. From a test I ran a year or so ago it doesn't function -at all- on free hosting, but yeah it'd break TOS.
  16. Livewire

    Friend please sherad full script

    While we're at it I'ma quick cover the usual: 1) No warez, so no one go posting illegal stuff for this request. 2) Make sure if you plan on sharing music that you actually have the redistribution rights for said music, since the TOS clearly indicates copyright infringement is not allowed...
  17. Livewire


    Duplicate, replied to other one.
  18. Livewire


    I'm showing a suspension for nulled software on your account. Ignoring that, the likely cause of the 404 error is because you don't -have- an index page on your account at all, so it's returning a 404 when it tried to find one. This isn't much of an issue though; I peeked and the software is...
  19. Livewire

    Please I Want to know how to unsuspend my free hosting account

    Shell scripts are malicious and pose a risk to the integrity of the x10hosting system. It's not something we can unsuspend for.
  20. Livewire

    Website unsuspension please?

    There's no hosting account linked under your username; did you receive an email when it was suspended? If so, was that email sent over 14 days ago? Accounts suspended for 14 days are queued for termination and deleted shortly after; if yours was terminated, all data would've been erased.