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  1. Livewire

    Help unsuppend my hosting

    Nulled software is currently a permanent suspension. It's illegal, and we don't tolerate it.
  2. Livewire

    Compte Ultimited

    I had a request in with admins to upgrade it cause Social Engine is not responding, I'll bump the request again.
  3. Livewire

    Usage Suspension while using phpmyadmin

    Something's decently sized with the database near as I can tell, it went to 120% cpu for a while which is a TON of cpu (1 full core, 20% of another or so). Either the database is big, or phpmyadmin had a mini-heart attack. I'm gunna guess a combination of the two.
  4. Livewire

    SSH or server side script needed

    SSH is not supported on free; there's no command line option available. Based on what I can find on Google, because of it requiring the command line, Yii would not be supported on our free hosting services.
  5. Livewire

    Account Suspension

    I don't see any active crons anymore, the system may have picked up and removed them on its own. Unsuspending it now.
  6. Livewire

    Account Suspension

    Unsuspending now; you'll have 24hr to bring it back in line with the TOS.
  7. Livewire

    Unsuspend account please

    You have an existing ticket that i'm explaining all this in, so I'm closing this one.
  8. Livewire

    Creating Software site allow or not ?

    It currently is covered under Illegal Material as the software being redistributed against the EULA -for- that software indicates it's not allowed to be redistributed. I also picked up adaware 9 from the developers, and it also has the same restriction as not being allowed to be redistributed...
  9. Livewire

    Creating Software site allow or not ?

    If it's not against the EULA for the software in question, which it looks to have been in the case of the Kapersky 2012 demo. They granted you an evaluation license when you downloaded it, but it did -not- give you redistribution rights for the demo either. Edit: Same for Nod32 it looks like...
  10. Livewire

    Account Suspension

    I just verified it is indeed a valid suspension because you are violating the rules regarding how often you can run your cron jobs. "* Crons: We do not allow more than one cron within a 5 minute time period per account. This means if you have two crons you must make sure that both do not go off...
  11. Livewire

    Getting false disk usage.

    It's not false, as I just checked the server itself. error_log in sigx folder is 300+mb, same with the error_log in rimx. That's where the extra 600+mb is currently coming from.
  12. Livewire

    Softaculous Wordpress install attempt error

    Clear browser cache and flush dns, cause it's loading fine here.
  13. Livewire

    Cool simple file sharing site -

    Dead-i is correct; first thing I did when I saw this topic was to check that actually :) Only part that wouldn't be allowed is linking to an illegal file hosted on their site - long as it's 1) A legal file, and 2) not in violation of the x10 TOS, we're golden.
  14. Livewire

    release domain

    Until your current account is automatically terminated after a minimum of 14 days, it won't allow that domain to be used at x10hosting. I can't override that unfortunately. Edit: I should note when the account is terminated it unsets all the domains that had been used as well, which would then...
  15. Livewire

    Hey, am I aloud to add ads?

    You're more than welcome to add ones of your own, all the "adfree" means is that we don't force our own ads to show up.
  16. Livewire

    Question about WWE 12

    I have not seen any official information showing it'd be on PC; at this time the stuff I've seen officially stated indicates PS3, Wii, and 360. This makes sense with previous releases from Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 on back to 2004 and earlier, as none of them were on PC either. That said it's...
  17. Livewire

    boro issues

    Escalating up, yours is one that admins need to look at from the boru notice posted here:
  18. Livewire

    release domain should allow you to change who the domain points to. The domain is frozen to the account on x10hosting, but the actual domain provider should still allow you to make changes. If they can't, you'd need to contact their customer service, as we can't get into the account to make changes...
  19. Livewire

    i have been suspended for service violation but i wasnt know that

    The terms of service has a section on File Hosting: The Chevereto image hosting software qualifies as file hosting because it is both used as file storage, and for mirrors. As such, this suspension is permanent.
  20. Livewire

    Compte Ultimited

    Before proceeding further, we need to verify that your copy of Social Engine 4 has been purchased legally, as it isn't free software, and the version you have installed is not encrypted, indicating it is not the demo of the software. I have a ticket open with them to verify its legitimacy, and...