Search results

  1. DeadBattery

    Paragon Party!

    Congrats! I got 2,000 posts last night so I'm an x10 Spammer now! :)
  2. DeadBattery

    Please review my site and help me to improve it

    I agree with all of diabolo's poimts. The design looks nice but you should get a logo to distinguish your site from others. Note: this is my 2000th post! :D
  3. DeadBattery

    Owner betrayed by Pet Dog..

    Well, it's not the dog's fault. It is trained to go back to its owner; regardless of how far away he/she is.
  4. DeadBattery

    Is forum participation required to keep web hosting?

    Nope, but it can't hurt! By posting, you earn credits which can be cashed in for Rewards or used to pay for services in The Marketplace. :)
  5. DeadBattery


    Table Tennis! (well, not right now; it has snow on it atm)
  6. DeadBattery


    Welcome to x10, Tony! :)
  7. DeadBattery

    Send Mail from Diffenet Account PHP

    As you said, the mail() method falsifies the From address; it won't always be right. The only way to make it work is to connect to an email account and send an email. I'm not sure if there is a way to do that or not.
  8. DeadBattery

    Unable to log in to Cpanel

    Your title and post confuse me. According to your post, you have access to FileManager, part of cPanel. Is your problem the Internal Server Errors? Also, what server are you on?
  9. DeadBattery

    Back up

    Unless you backed up your files previously, there is no way to retrieve deleted files. I suggest you do routine backups of your site should this occur again.
  10. DeadBattery

    Can't access C-panel

    Just to add to the thread, Stoli's cPanel is up at the moment.
  11. DeadBattery

    Error message escalated but cant see support ticket

    And you are using the following link? It has to be your forum username, even though it says email.
  12. DeadBattery

    Can't access C-panel

    What server are you on? To view what server you are on, go to and login with your forum username and password.
  13. DeadBattery


    All services are up on Chopin at the moment. Try flushing your DNS and clearing your cache then try again.
  14. DeadBattery

    Error message escalated but cant see support ticket

    Are you logging in with lnljamat as your username? (It is the same account as the one you are using right now)
  15. DeadBattery

    Changing database password

    If you want to change the password for the user that has access to the database, login to cPanel and click on MySQL Databases. To change the password, you'll have to delete the user, and re-add it selecting a different password and assigning the same privileges.
  16. DeadBattery

    problems accessing cpanel

    Are you saying that you are unable to access cPanel completely or are you saying you can login to cPanel but can't use its features?
  17. DeadBattery


    There seems to be a problem with registrations today. Since you got this off your email, we can't do anything here to help you so I'm escalating this where a staff member can help you out. Click on the link at the top of this thread to go to the support area. Login with your forum username...
  18. DeadBattery

    Welcome back! :) How was your trip?

    Welcome back! :) How was your trip?
  19. DeadBattery

    Review Please!

    The style of the site looks good, I'm more of a fan of making the background and content colors different but that's just personal preference. As for search engines, you are headed in the right direction because your file names accurately describe what is on the page.
  20. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    15 Credits Sent. :) Edit: I have all the data I need, thanks guys! :) *Thread Closed*