Search results

  1. spadija

    Cannot park domain - already owned by my old account?

    I had a hosting account that did not survive the transfer. I was able to recreate the hosting account and get my x10hosting domain back, but cPanel will not let me park another domain name that I own. It gives me this error: "Error from park wrapper: is owned by another user."...
  2. spadija

    Hosting account disappeared

    It looks like I was able to get the old domain back. I submitted a domain name change, and it succeeded. I was able to access the site at for a while and upload most of my files, but it looks like there are still some DNS issues, as chaosinacan.x10hosting is now...
  3. spadija

    Hosting account disappeared

    It looks like the problem was the domain name. I tried signing up with "" and it worked. Edit: I didn't expect this would work, but, changing the domain name to in the account control panel worked. I'd say this is resolved. Edit...
  4. spadija

    Hosting account disappeared

    I would like to use (Actually, I own, and I'm switching everything over to this domain, but Google still has some things indexed under, so I'd like to get the same domain again)
  5. spadija

    Hosting account disappeared

    I just tried creating a new hosting account, but I get this error: action status: Error occurred during processing error code: 6C0801DE result: An error occurred as your hosting account signup was executed. This error was fatal to the request. Please reattempt your hosting signup again or...
  6. spadija

    Hosting account disappeared

    I have (had) an account on Lotus that didn't survive the server move. I have everything backed up on my own computer, so I just needed the account moved to the new Lotus, but as of a couple days ago, my hosting account has disappeared too. Is this a mistake or not? My cPanel username is...
  7. spadija

    filtering out domains from google result

    Try adding "-site:domain-to-remove" to the search query. Just like you can use "site:" to restrict results to a certain domain, you can put a minus sign before it to filter out results from that domain. For example, "google" will get you search results about google from...
  8. spadija

    Please help me

    Try looking here.
  9. spadija

    Support request seems to have vanished into the ether.

    I submitted a support request about two and a half days ago, which was supposedly escalated to staff, but now I don't have any open support requests in my control panel, and I haven't been contacted since. I just want to make sure that the support system hasn't eaten my request, since to me, it...
  10. spadija


    A placeholder index page was probably generated when you created your domain, but that's not the page you want to show up on your site. If you want people to be able to download documents, you need to create an index page with links to those files. The index page is just the first page you see...
  11. spadija


    I believe there may be a bug with escalation. I posted a support request (here) which was escalated to staff, but when I click the "This thread has been escalated" link, I get an error message saying I do not have an open support ticket for the issue either. This isn't supposed to happen, right?
  12. spadija

    Site still not up after Lotus transfer

    I'm still unable to access my site at either or and unable to login to cPanel at My account management panel says my cPanel is at, but that just times out. This is what I get when I try pinging...
  13. spadija

    Lotus transferred, but site still not up

    I'm still unable to access my site at either or and unable to login to cPanel at My account management panel says my cPanel is at, but that just times out. This is what I get when I try pinging...
  14. spadija

    Website still down?

    I have tried logging into cPanel without success. When I try to change my password, I get an error code 18A7083E.
  15. spadija

    Website still down?

    I think I have the same problem. I'm getting mixed messages here. Over in another thread, I was told to wait for all the configuration to be finished, but here I'm told that sites on Lotus should be transferred and running. I'm inclined to believe this is a DNS error, since the IP of my site...
  16. spadija


    As far as I know, no. If you can't connect to the server in the first place, there's no way for the server to redirect you somewhere else.
  17. spadija

    Lotus transferred, but site still not up

    My website ( or is not responding even though, according to the latest update post, lotus has been transferred. I cannot log in to cPanel through using my username and password, and my Hosting Account Management page says my...
  18. spadija

    Can't login to cpanel

    I have the same problem (minus the password changes). My account management page is showing that my hosting server is lotusold, even though Lotus is supposed to be transferred, and after a ping to my site, the IP is still My site ( will not load either...
  19. spadija


    Are you putting your files inside the /public_html folder on your site? Any files that you want to show up on your site need to be inside /public_html. (On other hosts, this folder could also be named /htdocs or /www) Also, your home page should be named index.html or index.php. What file...
  20. spadija

    unwanted scrollbar

    Maybe my screen just isn't tall enough, but on all my browsers, there's a scroll bar. I think you'd be better off doing all the background images in CSS using "background-image: url('path/to/image.png')". You can do the mouseover effect without JavaScript too. Try adding this to your CSS...