Search results

  1. Alejandro

    2 Semanas sin soporte

    Me voy a ir 2 semanas de vacaciones y la verdad dudo tener mucho tiempo para dar soporte. Por lo tanto, les pido se apoyen mutuamente y en casos que necesiten de un Administrador de Cuentas, lo hagan en ingles en el foro correspondiente, pues al ser el único que puede ayudarlos en este foro...
  2. Alejandro


    Hola! Bienvenidos al nuevo foro en español de x10Hosting. A petición de muchos, hemos decidido darnos un lugar a los hispanohablantes para poder pedir soporte y discutir cualquier tipo de temas. Lo único que pido es que se respeten las reglas generales del foro y se mantenga el orden en todo...
  3. Alejandro

    Rewards Page

    I've been working tonight in the Rewards Page. You can enter it here: or in the Account Menu or Accoutn Overview Links. The current rewards are listed there and you'll be able to find the newest rewards there. How does it work? If you have enough...
  4. Alejandro

    Italy WC Champion!!

    After a 120 minutes game. Italy and France were 1-1. Italy wins in penalties 5 to 3!!! Bravo Italy!!!
  5. Alejandro

    First Rewards!!

    Ok, as we're working on a cool page for the rewards, I'll paste the links provisionally here. Now you can buy domains and request paypal payouts with x10cash!! To get x10cash, you'll be able to convert 10000 points a month with x10cash. This is the rate: 20p x 1 x10cash, so if you converted...
  6. Alejandro


    Anyone played this Xbox game? It's pretty cool, I just finished it.
  7. Alejandro

    User Panel

    Ok, we're working on having the user panel for you to upgrade and change your hosting information directly from the forums. We would like to know what else would you like to see there. For each idea we use, I'll award 250 points. Thanks!
  8. Alejandro

    Happy Birthday Corey

    Well, I just felt like I should be the first one to congratulate Corey on his 21st Birthday. Have a great one man! Cheers. :othug: (Lol, I could have swore there was a Beer Emoticon :( ) Well, anyway, how are we celebrating eh?
  9. Alejandro

    First 100'000 Posts

    :) I got here late today, but I don't know if you noticed we reached the 100'000 posts!!
  10. Alejandro

    [OFF] Points Store

    For limited time I will be selling points for money via paypal. This are the prices. 900 Points for each $1.00 Examples: $2.00 = 1800p; $5.00 = 4500p; $10.00 = 9000p; $0.50 = 450p All payments shall be done via paypal to Do the payment and post here the ammount you...
  11. Alejandro

    Looking for a Domain

    I'm buying a doman very soon and I want to find a cheap option which supports paypal. I already saw godaddy sells them with paypal and they're not very expensive. However, I want to know if there are any checper sites around since Yahoo's prices are back to normal and they never supported...
  12. Alejandro


    Please register here to get a free domain name: If you register under my referal link, for each point you get in offers, I'll give you a point here. Let's say you complete an 80p offer, well, just post about it here (username and points get) and I'll give you...
  13. Alejandro

    The Bank

    I already posted an announcement about this some hours ago, but as I'm not sure if everybody noticed about it, I'm gonna say it here too. Due to security matters with bank, I'll be disabling it in 2 weeks. So that is time you have to get your money out or you won't be able to recover it. I...
  14. Alejandro


    I'm starting a Tetris Tournament in the Arcade. I can add till 8 members to it, so with me it's 7. Put your name below if you think you got what is needed to win this tournament. ;) Will you be able to beat me this time Jake? 1.- Alejandro 2.- Jake 3.- SEÑOR 4.- Cynical 5.- sentient1080 6.-...
  15. Alejandro

    Mambo Components

    Hey, I just found this great tutorial for making Mambo components, actually it is on Mamboserver, so some of you may have seen it before but I think it would be helpful to some. I haven't finished reading it, but I plan to. Below it the link, I hope you find it helpful...
  16. Alejandro


    In the x10RPG you need to give your oponent's name to fight with him/her. I don't know if we're able to add it to the profile or something, but I got the idea of a list. Post here your RPG Name and your username, using this format: Alejandro: Alejandro (Being the Green one your RPG Name) I'll...
  17. Alejandro


    I just register here and am looking for some referals. So if you can make me this favor, I'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance, Alejandro
  18. Alejandro


    Well, FreePhotoHost is back with some improvements and new plans to suit everyone. This site is part of x10hositing as well as some other sites in development. I hope you like it. Please give us some feedback on it.
  19. Alejandro


    I know may of you have done this in the past, but... I'll give 5 points to anyone who registers in ezyrewards using me as referer. 2 weeks offer. Thanks in advance.
  20. Alejandro

    Name Change

    I decided to chage my name from aaorozco to my real name: Alejandro Just for those people who may wonder why did I change it. lol