I didn't get to read all the posts so if I don't answer your question, sorry.
Stoli has about 1,300 accounts left to copy back to it. It's hard to give an ETA because of the wide range of accounts, some are 5MB some are 2GB. Every time I give an ETA something blows up and pushes it out, so I'm better off not saying anything right now.

My goal today is to catch up on the standard support forum, set Stoli up so it will start working for those that have been copied back and to resolve any remaining issues on Absolut.
The reason I haven't been updating, is because there isn't much to update. We're still copying accounts back to Stoli.
From a few of the posts I did read, I think there is some confusion on x10's income and our policies. First, x10 maybe two months ago broke even for the first time, I always have paid the difference in server costs out of my pocket. Downtime and situations like this affect us greatly, the income we do get comes from advertising revenue, 404 pages, suspension pages, cPanel google ads, etc. I can tell you we did not break even for Dec. and we're probably not going to this month. I will again, pay the difference. I'm not sure why some people think we make thousands of dollars a week, that is not the case. Believe me, I wish it was!
Second, why we tell our customers (that's you guys!) to get lost when they're rude. I amended my thread here:
http://forums.x10hosting.com/news-announcements/28666-if-you-dont-like-leave.html for a better explanation since there was some confusion on that.
Off to the free hosting forums!