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  1. calistoy

    Hi all.. I am new to the community.. I need help with the website please..

    Since your situation isn't resolved, I'll now escalate your thread. Just click at the yellow bar at the top to enter the second tier portion of this support ticket.
  2. calistoy

    why you suspended my hosting

    DELETE YOUR PASSWORD FROM YOUR POST EVERYBODY HERE CAN SEE IT! tHEN GO CHANGE IT BECAUSE YOU MADE YOUR ACCOUNT UNSECURE! NEVER POST YOUR PASSWORD EVER! That link posted to open actions did not take me to open actions either. 1. Instead, log into account panel 2. Click on Hosting at the...
  3. calistoy

    Please I can not login to my control panel

    You can't log into your cPanel or ftp because you are currently suspended: This is a zero tolerance suspension. You're account will remain suspended for 10 days and then it will be terminated.
  4. calistoy


    I see that you're suspended for inactivity. Remember that it's required that you log into these forums here at least once every 31 days to keep your hosting account active. Posting isn't necessary, just log in. Logins to the account panel and cPanel do not count for activity. Please log into...
  5. calistoy

    Account suspended & Can't find out why

    Your account is not currently suspended at this time.
  6. calistoy

    Update account to Premium

    First, buy a x10hosting Premium account. After that, go into your paid client account and submit a support request ticket to transfer your free account to the paid account.
  7. calistoy

    Account suspended for phishing

    Since you are disputing the suspension reason, I'm now escalating this thread so that staff can help you.
  8. calistoy

    Suspension Removal

    Did you place that shell script in your account yourself? I ask because you said that you think that the hackers hacked into your site through a shell script. That script had to have already been there, in order for the site to be hacked, right? If so, then you've been correctly permanently...
  9. calistoy

    DNS Server and
  10. calistoy


    You don't have to worry about closing this thread. Someone will come along later and close it for you.
  11. calistoy

    font color in the login box should be changed

    What logon are you talking about? Forum? Account panel? cPanel? Also, what browser do you use?
  12. calistoy

    Can't View Site

    You're main domain set in your account panel has been mis-typed. You typed instead of there. That's why it can't be viewed.
  13. calistoy


    A use of a translator spits out nonsense but the language is definitely Dutch. One look at your site, though, and I see your problem. Here's a link to the support forums for the software you are trying to install. That specific...
  14. calistoy

    Not able to get into CP

    Your forum account isn't linked to your hosting account. Please read this to relink your accounts.
  15. calistoy

    Web Account Suspension

    All free hosting support goes through the free support forums first.
  16. calistoy

    how do i get asp vbscrpit functions to work on my site here can be used with our servers through the mono project that's already installed. I've given you all of the info about that I can find. Is there anything about it that you don't understand?
  17. calistoy

    I can not help my administration panel stood fast my site!!

    have you tried linking your hosting account with your forum account yet? I don't see one linked with your forum account at the moment.
  18. calistoy

    how do i get asp vbscrpit functions to work on my site here

    x10hosting uses the Mono Project to be able to run on linux. The latest version is mono 2.0. Here's some more information from another support thread with the same problem.
  19. calistoy

    how do i get asp vbscrpit functions to work on my site here

    Is it you're asking about? What didn't you understand about the tutorial link I responded with in your first thread?
  20. calistoy

    Why am i suspended

    You can view your suspension reason at your account panel, and unsuspend yourself if applicable. If you're not able to unsuspend, please post back here with the suspension reason.