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  1. calistoy

    Why was my account suspended w/o reason??

    Please do not post multiple threads about the same issue. Your other thread is still open and lacks the details that you posted here about there being no reason for your suspension. There was no response because the thread was waiting for a reply from you...
  2. calistoy

    Error in database connection

    It's most likely because of the server moves and upgrades. Keep an eye out for server status updates at
  3. calistoy

    Add-on Domain

    You said here that your domain is under sub-domains there. Please remove/delete that first, and then try to place it in addon domains.
  4. calistoy

    Chopin Down?

    You might ask the developers for Joomla. There are others have problems with their Joomla related to the upgrades situation. But with something like that, it sounds like a bug to me that the developers of Joomla would be responsible for.
  5. calistoy

    Support requests/questions should be directed to the free hosting support forum. Do Not Contact...

    Support requests/questions should be directed to the free hosting support forum. Do Not Contact me here at my profile, and please Do Not Contact me through email. I am not a member of staff, and I'll only help as I can through the forum threads. All support request messages to my profile and...
  6. calistoy

    No hosting account

    Are there any open actions, or a message saying that it's in a queue?
  7. calistoy

    Error in database connection

    In the config file, is the database set to localhost for the server address? If so, try deleting the database user and then re-add it with all of the permissions.
  8. calistoy

    Help Needed Accessing My Cpanel

    When you click on hosting at the top of the page where the home icon is, a little ways down the page should be two buttons. One says "Login to cPanel" and "Login to Webmail". Click on "Login to cPanel".
  9. calistoy

    what to do after logging in cpanel

    Try clicking on Softaculous and using the software there to make a site, or click on Reptile SiteBuilder to make a site. Otherwise, you'll have to learn some html and make your own pages. Just search the internet for html tutorials and there are tons of sites that have html information...
  10. calistoy

    what to do after logging in cpanel Your other thread is still open. Please do not make multiple threads asking the same question.
  11. calistoy

    Critical Error occured

    Many things are going on with handling the load of new user accounts and continuing upgrades. Please check here for all updates to the server status:
  12. calistoy

    Changed account password, I think this broke CPanel and FTP passwords

    Please make your own support thread so that your issue can be resolved.
  13. calistoy

    Problems accessing remote MySQL from my x10 website.

    Edit: Turns out I was wrong on your situation.
  14. calistoy


    According to this thread:, the webdisk has been disabled because of abuse.
  15. calistoy

    Default Web Page

    Look at the email address he posted. The domain name is there.
  16. calistoy enabled?

    Upgrades to cPanel and Apache are still going on. Keep an eye on this status page, specifically the March 10 entry.
  17. calistoy

    My hosting has disappeared...

    An account manager is needed to see this thread to help you. And there is no warning email about suspension or termination. They are currently testing one, but because you didn't receive one, you were mostly likely terminated before that.
  18. calistoy

    Chopin Down?

    With all of the upgrades still going on, there will be a little bit of downtime.
  19. calistoy

    Web Hosting Account

    It should work that way, yes.
  20. calistoy

    Web Hosting Account

    No. Go to the free sign up here and use your current forum account to link to it.